What you should check while buying a second-hand bike

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For those who truly love bikes and the comfort, ease and stability they bring, purchasing a good second-hand bike is a totally viable option. It can save you a considerable amount of time and money, and give you all the benefits at the same time. However, it is no secret that there definitely are some aspects to be careful about if you are considering doing so. Being cautious and careful will go a long way in your purchase and ticking off each of the steps below will ensure that you get the best quality bike possible.

1. Do your research

The most important step that should never be looked over. Instead of diving into looking for bikes head-first, take it step by step. First, make a list of all your needs and what you would need your bike for- is it a road bike or a mountain bike, what kind of mileage  and power do you expect, etc. Chalk out a good budget, and with all this information in hand, looking for bikes will be much easier.

Keep in mind that not every source is reliable, especially online. Make sure you use verified sites if you so choose, and even if the search is in-person, be careful of who you are buying from. Talk to experts, if possible, and those experienced in both riding and dealing with bikes- their advice is invaluable.

2. External Checks

Once you have shortlisted some choices and want to take a look, have a mental or even a physical checklist as to what to look out for. External checks are the most obvious and the most easy. Usually this includes looking for chipping paint or a bad paint job in general, scratches, dents, broken or damaged parts (such as mirrors, bike stands, headlights etc), fluid leakage of any kind or damaged tires. 

In case you notice any of these, check out the severity of the issue. For example, many people don’t mind minor scratches but if the damage is greater and more obvious, it is often rejected as things like these affect the overall look of the motorcycle significantly.

3. Internal Checks

The checks of course do not stop at just the outside- it is the internal workings of the bike that are most important. Primarily, make sure the brakes are in good working condition, as well as the lights including the indicator lights. At the same time, get the bike inspected by a trusted mechanic as well. They will know exactly what to look for in terms of wiring, battery performance etc and tell you precisely what the condition of the bike is like. 

However, one can only tell so much about the bike in a stationary position, which is where the next point comes in.

4. Conduct a test drive

The best way to test out a second-hand bike is to drive it yourself. This gives you the opportunity to look for the performance of the vehicle, mileage, pickup, speed etc. and other important things that come into play when riding. Apart from these technical aspects, a test drive for a decent distance also gives you the feel of the bike and whether it is suited for you individually or not. 

Take the time to see how comfortable it is to drive, and how well-matched it is to your needs and expectations. Remember, you find a bike really appealing on the first look but driving it can change your mind and bring to light some aspects about it that may not have occurred to you before.

5. Documentation Checks

Again, a really vital step in making a purchase of a second-hand bike is taking a thorough look at all the necessary paperwork. Some of these vehicle and road-related documents include:

  • Registration Certificate (RC)
  • Insurance
  • Pollution Certificate (PUC)
  • Original invoice
  • Extended warranty, if applicable

Make sure to check the validity of all these documents, as well as any legal identification of the seller himself. Also, take some time to check the chassis number of the vehicle, which should match the number on the registration. Once you have all of these in place, you’re good to go.

Though it may seem complex, in order to make the best purchase possible it is necessary to go through all the checks with care. Of course, buying a bike is just the start- taking care of it will guarantee the best efficiency and longevity of your vehicle.

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