What are all the things to be taken care of during a bike service?

a bike service

Everyone loves to ride a bike for various reasons like convenience, ease of transport and thrill etc. But when it comes to the maintenance and servicing of bikes, people tend to ignore it. As a rider if you wish to avoid any sudden unwanted breakdowns, ensure your own safety and simply keep the bike in better position over the time you must take care of all the necessary things related to bike safekeeping and maintenance. Let’s discuss all the important things to be taken care of during bike servicing.

Proper Cleaning:

Make sure every part of the bike’s body is cleaned properly with appropriate solutions and equipment or tools.

  • Frames- It should be wiped down with a mild detergent using soft cloth to avoid any scratches on the surface.
  • Wheels- You need to use a brush and the same detergent or shampoo for cleaning the rims, tires and hubs neatly. 
  • Chain- Use of a chain cleaner is a must and brush for the removal of grime. Avoid using water directly on the chain and if used make sure to wipe it cleanly to avoid the rust building due to moisture. 
  • Derailleurs, pivot points, and other components- Use a soft brush and mild detergent on the delicate parts, avoid excessive scratching that will cause only damage.


After proper cleaning, lubrication is the most important step for smooth operation of every part of the bike.

  • Chain- Apply the chain lube as per the  manufacturer’s instructions. To avoid the corrosion you must lubricate the entire chain properly as they are always at the risk of exposure to the humidity and moisture.
  • Derailleurs- After removing all the dirt and debris from the bike, you can apply a few drops of the lube on the parts of derailers for smooth working.
  • Pivot points-  Every other part like headset, bottom bracket, and brake pivots needs lubrication liquid in order to avoid unnecessary friction while riding.

Tire pressure:

  • You can use pressure gauge to check the accurate readings of tire pressure 
  • Recommended pressure can be checked on the sidewall or in the owner’s manual.
  • You must adjust the pressure according to the riding conditions( it can be high for smooth road but for off road it should be low in order to prevent the puncture or wear and tear )
  • You should check and adjust the tire pressure every month and before every long trip.

Brakes and cables:

  •  Replace the pads if they seem worn out or damaged. Inspect the thickness of the pads, ideally it should always be more than 2-3 mm. 
  •  ⁠Check the brake cables for frying, rust, or any other damage. Adjust the cable tension as per the instruction manual given by the manufacturer and lastly don’t forget to apply cable lube for easier movements of the parts.


  • Use manufacturer’s instructions to adjust the derailleurs and for proper alignment check the limit screws. 
  •  Ensure the smooth transition of the gears by checking the proper shifting in between them.


  • Firstly check the entire chain for any damage, rust or stretch. Any kind of unnoticed wear is dangerous.
  • ⁠Clean and lube the chain and replace if necessary.

Oils and other fluids:

  • You must inspect and change the engine oil ideally after 6-8 months for daily running motorbike, for occasional driven bikes it should be after every 4000-5000 kilometers. 
  • Other than the engine oil your bike has various fluids like coolant, brake fluid and hydraulic clutch fluid. Each should be up to date with the levels of required measurements as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Every fluid should be free of contaminations. 


  • To ensure proper filtration and engine protection, oil filters should be replaced after every oil change.
  • Air filter protects the engine by preventing the dirt and debris from entering. Check and replace the air filters if needed.

Electrical systems:

  • Inspection of all the electric parts like lights, horn, indicators and warning lights should be done from time to time to ensure they are functioning perfectly. Replace any faulty wiring, bulbs or fuses promptly. 
  • Battery terminals should always be free from corrosion. Check and clean them from time to time for appropriate torque of connection. Ensure the battery is mounted securely and every connection is properly working without any moisture. Replace the battery if it is older than two years to avoid any unexpected failure.

Coolant level:

  • For a liquid-cooled bike, maintaining the proper coolant level is important. To prevent overheating check the coolant level and top it up as per the need.
  • There should not be any leak or crack, keep in check the coolant hoses and replace them if required.


It doesn’t matter if you use a bike regularly or occasionally, basic maintenance should be done from time to time to ensure your own safety and longevity of the bike. 

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