Essential Safety Tips for Motorbiking During the Monsoon Season in India

Safety tips for biking during the monsoon

The monsoon season in India is an enticing time for motorbike enthusiasts to go for rides. The lush green landscapes, the refreshing cool breeze, and the excitement of riding through the rain are thrilling. However, the monsoon also brings with it several risks, including slippery roads, reduced visibility, and a higher chance of accidents. In this blog, we’ll go through several essential safety tips for all motorbike enthusiasts to enjoy biking adventures during the Indian monsoons. 

Wear the Right Gear

Wearing the right gear is the bare minimum essential for your safety. A full-faced helmet provides the best protection for your head and face. Gloves, boots, and a riding jacket are also necessary to shield you from the elements. Padded jackets also protect vital body parts in the event of a crash. Ensure your helmet visor is scratch-free to have proper visibility.  You can also apply car wax to prevent water buildup on the visor, ensuring clear visibility. In order to be clearly visible to vehicles around you, use reflective stickers on your bike, jacket and helmet.

Check Your Bike’s Condition

Before hitting the road, ensure your motorcycle is in top condition. Check the tyres for adequate tread depth and proper inflation. Tyres are prone to slipping and skidding on wet roads in India.  Under-inflated tyres can reduce traction and increase the risk of skidding. Ensure your brakes work properly and do not cause your bike to skid. Lights are important as visibility in long routes is low, as most areas have no street lights. Ensure your bike is serviced and all electrical and mechanical components work properly.

Ride Slowly and Cautiously

Wet roads during the monsoon in our country can be slippery, and there’s a high risk of aquaplaning and skidding. Riding slowly and cautiously is crucial to avoid this. Speeding on such roads can cause you to lose control of your motorbike and lead to severe accidents.  By maintaining a slow and steady pace, and using gentle inputs on the throttle and brakes, you can cut down the risk of mishaps. 

Maintain a Safe Distance

Keeping a safe distance from other vehicles is crucial during the monsoon. With reduced traction and visibility, stopping on wet roads takes longer. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you and avoid following too closely. This gives you ample time to react to unexpected situations, avoiding accidents. It also ensures that in case of skidding or aquaplaning, you do not crash into the vehicle in front. 

Use Your Lights Wisely

Ensure all your lights, including headlamps, taillamps, and indicators, function correctly before you set out on a ride. Keep your lights on at all times, even during the day, to maximise your visibility to other road users. Use a low beam on your headlight to avoid disturbing the visibility of drivers or riders in front of you or oncoming traffic. However, in pitch-dark conditions, with no traffic on the highways, always use a high beam to increase your visibility far ahead of you.

Avoid Riding in Waterlogged Areas

Waterlogged areas are dangerous, especially for two-wheeler riders, as they conceal potholes and open manholes. Water can also damage your engine and other critical components. If you cannot avoid riding through collected water, ensure that you ride slowly, which greatly reduces the risk of accidents. 

Focus on the Road

Concentrate on the road and stay alert to what’s ahead. Watch for uneven patches, muddy roads, potholes, waterlogged areas, stray animals, pedestrians, and foggy conditions. Pay attention to signs, especially in low visibility, and brake accordingly. If you have a pillion rider, ask them to stay alert and watch for potential hazards.

Avoid Riding in Heavy Rain

Heavy rain poses multiple threats for motorbikers. Roads become slippery, visibility drops significantly, and the risk of accidents increases. As far as possible, do not ride out in heavy downpours. However, if it is impossible to avoid, ensure to ride cautiously, and use gentle inputs on the throttle and brakes. Avoid stopping or parking near trees, as they can be struck by lightning or a broken branch could fall on your bike.

Additional Tips

Avoid Riding in the First Showers

The first showers of the monsoon season can be particularly dangerous, as the roads are more slippery. It’s best to avoid riding during these showers and wait until the roads have dried a bit.

Keep Your Helmet Visor Clean

To ensure maximum visibility, maintain a clean helmet visor free of scratches. Applying car wax can help prevent water buildup and keep your visor clear.

Use Reflective Stickers

Using reflective stickers on your riding jacket and helmet can increase your visibility to other road users, which is especially important during the monsoon when visibility is often reduced.

Avoid Riding Near Dividers

Riding near road dividers can be risky as they may be slippery and conceal open manholes or potholes. Keep a safe distance from dividers and avoid sudden movements or hard braking.


Riding a motorcycle during the monsoon season in India requires extra care and attention to detail. Following these essential safety tips can reduce risks and allow you to enjoy a safe ride. Remember to wear the right gear, ensure your bike is in good condition, ride slowly and cautiously, maintain a safe distance, use your lights wisely, avoid waterlogged areas, stay focused on the road, avoid riding in heavy rain, and adhere to additional safety tips. Stay safe and happy riding!

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